Research on the Chinese Saṃghabhedavastu with the Japanese Reading of its Second Volume
- Sugimoto Mizuho
- Ryukoku University Kyoto City University of Arts
- Tanaka Hironori
- Bukkyo University
- Tomita Mariko
- Osaka University
- Nakanishi Maiko
- Ōtani University
- Yokoyama Takeshi
- University of Tsukuba
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 漢文読解『破僧事』巻第二
- カンブン ドッカイ 『 ハソウ ジ 』 マキ ダイニ
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Our research aims to comprehend the Chinese Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya Saṃghabhedavastu [SBhV] translated by Yijing (635–713) (T no. 1450, 24.99a-206a: Junjirō Takakusu and Kaigyoku Watanabe (eds.), Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō [THe Taishō New Edition of Buddhist Canon; a modern Japanese edition of the East Asian Buddhist canon], Taishōshinshūdaizo- kyōkankōkai, 1924–34/1960–78). In this paper, we present an annotated Japanese reading of the second volume of SBhV. THe Japanese reading of SBhV is already available (Ryūzan Nishimoto [translation] and Makio Takemura [emendation], Ritsubu [the Vinaya Scriptures] 24, Kokuyaku Issaikyō [Translation of the Complete Chinese Buddhist Canon into Classical Japanese in Kakikudashi Style], Daito Publishing Co., Inc., 1934, Revised Edition: 1975). While taking this historic research accomplishment into consideration, we incorporate recent developments in this field into our research, by referring to variants of the text, including the newly discovered Sanskrit Gilgit Manuscripts (edited by R. Gnoli [Part I: 1977, Part II: 1978]), and reviewing issues in previous studies. By so doing, we present the new reading and understanding. Furthermore, based on the stories, subtitles are added for an easier and better understanding of the text. On the section of naming Bodhisattva in this volume, various names are given to Prince Siddhārtha. In relation to this topic, at the beginning of this paper, we also offer comprehensive information about his names.
- Journal of Abhidharma Studies
Journal of Abhidharma Studies 4 (0), 188-137, 2023
Publication Committee of Journal of Abhidharma Studies
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390017193114472576
- NII Book ID
- AA12891242
- 24355682
- 24355674
- 033281112
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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