都心居住区に住むことの価値 : スラバヤ市カンポン・ケタンダンにおける魅力の物理的・心理的側面に関する研究


  • The Value of Living in an Inner-City Settlement: A Study of Physical and Psychological Aspects of Attractiveness in Kampung Ketandan, Surabaya
  • トシン キョジュウク ニ スム コト ノ カチ : スラバヤシ カンポン ・ ケタンダン ニ オケル ミリョク ノ ブツリテキ ・ シンリテキ ソクメン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ



In Surabaya, Indonesia, kampung has supported more than 60% of urban housing needs. However, not every kampung can attract people to live in it. Some kampungs even had a declining population, while the changes in demography, lifestyle, and other aspects may affect life in the kampung and will probably harm the very existence of the kampung itself Thus, this paper aims to observe how the inhabitants of an inner-city kampung value their life in it, what factors affect their choice of living place, and how these may affect the survivability of the kampung. This research employed a quantitative method through a questionnaire survey, and the result was analyzed with SPSS. The result shows that despite having a population decline, Kampung Ketandan is not necessarily vacant because its attractiveness is bound to the physical value for the migrant workers and the long-term residents. At the same time, psychological value acts as the anchor that will attract them to stay.


  • 都市・建築学研究

    都市・建築学研究 43 39-50, 2023-01-15


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