Effective reduction of rainfall infiltration observed in embankment slope protected by capillary barrier soil system using crushed shell particles

  • OHNO Asuka
    Obayashi Corporation (Formerly, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University)
    Domain of Civil, Architectural and Environment Engineering, Ibaraki University
  • MATSUMOTO Kazunobu
    Research Institute of Technology, Tobishima Corporation
  • MORII Toshihiro
    Professor Emeritus, Niigata University

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Other Title
  • 貝殻を用いたキャピラリーバリア土層で被覆された堤防法面における雨水浸透抑制効果


<p>Strong and resilient levees have been required to be developed because of many levee failures caused by heavy rainfall in recent years. The authors have proposed a shell-type capillary barrier (CB) soil system which consists of crushed shell particles overlain by sand layer constructed in the shallow depth of the back slope, to reduce rainwater infiltration into the back slope and soil erosion during flood overtopping. In order to successfully implement the CB soil system into the river bank, the long-term stability of the shell-type CB soil system in a field condition should be well verified. In this study, a test embankment protected by the CB soil system is constructed in the field, then the rainfall and the soil water content both in the CB soil system and the embankment are measured for 1 year and 3 months. It is found that the shell-type CB soil system reduces effectively the rainfall infiltration into embankment and, even after the soil water breaks through the barrier, recovers its function quickly. Also is found that the soil water breaking through the barrier and infiltrating into the lower layer drains downward along the slope into the toe of slope, resulting that the soil water does not infiltrate into the embankment nor increase the soil water content, within the embankment.</p>


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