Study on Effect of Paraffin on Combined Deterioration Resistance of Freeze-Thaw Damage and Salt Damage

  • Maruta Hiroshi
    福岡大学大学院 工学研究科エネルギー・環境システム工学専攻
  • Hazehara Hirotaka
    福岡大学 工学部社会デザイン工学科
  • Soeda Masashi
    福岡大学大学院 工学研究科エネルギー・環境システム工学専攻

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Other Title
  • 凍害と塩害の複合劣化抵抗性に及ぼす固形パラフィンの影響に関する研究


<p>In this study, we investigated the effects of paraffin and its types on freeze-thaw resistance, hydration reaction of cement, and combined deterioration resistance of freeze-thaw damage and salt damage in concrete assuming a decrease in entrained air due to the construction process. This investigation found that the mixing of paraffin derived from petroleum improved the freeze-thaw resistance, and the hydration reaction of cement was unaffected. Paraffin-mixed concrete did not exhibit a decrease in the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity even under chloride environment. The mechanism of improvement of the freeze-thaw resistance was presumed to be linked to the existence of paraffin particles in concrete as pore fillers with size of 200 μm or less, which reduce the apparent air void spacing coefficient and block the continuity of capillary pores.</p>



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