Facial Asymmetry Analysis Based on Temporal Changes in Landmarks and 3D Structure

  • KIHARA Narumi
    Kyushu Institute of Technology Graduate School of Engineering
    Kagoshima University Graduate School of Engineering
  • OKAWACHI Takako
    Kagoshima University Graduate School of Engineering National Hospital Organization Kagoshima Medical Center
  • LI Guangxu
    Tiangong University
  • NAKAMURA Norifumi
    Kagoshima University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia
  • KAMIYA Tohru
    Kyushu Institute of Technology Graduate School of Engineering

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  • ランドマーク点の時系列変化と3 次元構造に基づいた顔の非対称度評価法
  • ランドマークテン ノ ジケイレツ ヘンカ ト 3ジゲン コウゾウ ニ モトズイタ カオ ノ ヒタイショウド ヒョウカホウ

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We propose a method for the facial asymmetry analysis using a video image of 3D point cloud. First, we describe how to create pseudo video image. Secondly, we evaluate the asymmetry in two ways. One is the analysis based on the temporal changes of the face landmarks obtained by the matching process, which evaluates how asymmetrical the lip movement is. In the matching process, face landmarks in different frames are corresponded by comparing FPFH values. The other is the analysis based on the center of gravity, which evaluates how asymmetrical the lip shape is. We applied our method to ten pseudo video images. As an experimental result, it is shown that our method can match face landmarks with higher accuracy and the result of the asymmetry analysis does not contradict our sense.


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