Three-dimensional Shapes of Stratigraphic Units Derived from Logical Model of Geologic Structure:A Mathematical Approach

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  • 地質構造の論理モデルから導かれる地層の3 次元形状-数学的アプローチ-


<p>The present paper proposes a new method to formulate three-dimensional shapes of stratigraphic units by connecting surfaces contacting with adjacent units. It is assumed that a finite three-dimensional space Ω is composed of several stratigraphic units b1, b2, …, bn and the open space α that are bounded by surfaces S1, S2, …, Sm each of which divides Ω into the upper subspace and the lower one, and every element x in B={b1, b2, …, bn, α} is represented in the form X1X2∩ …∩ Xm, where Xi indicates one of Si (the subspace in the lower side of Si, including Si), Si+ (the subspace in the upper side of Si, including Si) and Ω. Then it is concluded that (1) the intersection of x and y in B represents the contact surface of two units, and (2) the three-dimensional shape of a stratigraphic unit x is formulated in the form of the union of all contact surfaces with yB except for x. The proposed method to formulate three-dimensional shapes of stratigraphic units is useful to improve the three-dimensional modeling system of geologic structure.</p>


  • Geoinformatics

    Geoinformatics 35 (1), 3-15, 2024-03-25

    Japan Society of Geoinformatics


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