

  • Real-time feedback control of flow velocity field around a cylindrical model using sparse processing PIV and plasma actuators


<p>Feedback control of the flow field by a controller using plasma actuators (PA) with a sparse processing PIV (SPPIV) as a observer was implemented in a wind tunnel test. The control target in this study is a Kármán vortex suppression around a circular cylinder. The time delay of the influence of the PAs on the flow field was quantitatively evaluated, and the control laws were set based on it. A particularly high control effect was confirmed by control with Sum-of Absolute-Value control, which determines the control input in the interval. A certain effect of Kármán vortex suppression was confirmed by feedback control. For more effective control, properties of the PA itself, such as burst ratio, should be considered.</p>


  • 年次大会

    年次大会 2023 (0), S055-11-, 2023

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

