ドラえもんと中国 : メディアと記憶をめぐって

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • Relationship Between Doraemon and China : Through Media and Memories


This paper discusses the intricate relationship between Japanese animation and China, examining the reception of Doraemon from a perspective of mediatized memory. Stand By Me Doraemon (Yamazaki Takashi and Yagi Ryūichi, 2014) was released in China in 2015, not only becoming the most successful Japanese film at the time, with a box-office revenue of 530 million RMB, but also signaling the end of a prolonged period during which Japanese films were absent from the Chinese screens. While Alexander Zahlten (2019) underscores on the impact of connective memories on the box-office success of Stand By Me Doraemon, this study argues that Doraemon goes beyond individual childhood nostalgia, actively contributing to shared memories across generations. In China, where Doraemon has been perceived both as a Japanese threat and a catalyst for fostering closer Japan-China relations in the economic and cultural realms, understanding the negotiation between connective and collective memories becomes imperative. This study sheds light on the crucial role that the anime media mix has played in shaping and reimagining Sino-Japanese relations.


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