短期海外プログラムにおける安全の強化 : 感染対応と自由旅行対応

DOI 機関リポジトリ (HANDLE) Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Reinforcing Security of a Short-Term Study-Abroad Program: Infections and Group Travels
  • タンキ カイガイ プログラム ニ オケル アンゼン ノ キョウカ : カンセン タイオウ ト ジユウ リョコウ タイオウ



In this paper, the author shows and reviews what he did in the advance training session at Kyushu University and in the summer program at Pembroke College for the participants of “the 2023 English and Academic Training Program at the University of Cambridge” for the purpose of improving the security levels of its future administration in the hope that this essay will be informative and helpful for similar programs across the globe. First of all, he presents his endeavor toward coping with COVID-19 matters including 1) the delayed arrival of one student at Cambridge due to infection immediately before the originally planned departure day from Japan and 2) another student’s infection and isolation from the other students during the latter half of the summer program at the college. The next part focuses on his meticulous advice tendered to his students in the past regarding how to create their weekend UK travel plans with appropriate and reasonable accommodation/ transportation above all in addition to destinations worth visiting. Furthermore, a new emphasis is placed on the possibility of industrial actions of railway workers with a short notice. He provides the participants with information covering security matters like burglaries, shakedowns, bogus police officers, drugging robbery, insurances, a crisis management scheme, health control, and traffic rules & manners. The author sincerely hopes that careful consideration of these issues will lead to better management of the program, possibly at the same time giving helpful knowledge and insights to directors of other similar programs.


  • 英語英文学論叢

    英語英文学論叢 74 37-57, 2024-03-14


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