Support for Children with Chronic Diseases and their Families as Reported by Nursery School Teachers and School

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  • 保育士および保育所看護師が捉えた慢性疾患児と家族への支援
  • ホイクシ オヨビ ホイクジョ カンゴシ ガ トラエタ マンセイ シッカンジ ト カゾク エ ノ シエン

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This study aims to clarify the effectiveness of providing support for children with chronic diseases and their families during the period from preschool up to school enrollment as reported by nursery school teachers and school nurses. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with eight nursery school teachers and school nurses. Nine support categories were extracted from the collected data: responding to the child’s admission application,preparing the child after admission is granted,sharing the child’s information,reassuring the family after they leave the child at the nursery school,implementing and managing safe medical care through cooperation with staff and family members,consideration for the child during group time to reduce impact of disease,promoting self-care in accordance with developmental status as the child matures, cooperating with elementary schools to continue the child’s self-care program, and creating an environment that supports and respects the child’s individual development. The findings confirm the need for public support in preparing the school environment for children with chronic diseases so that they thrive and succeed in nursery school and beyond.


  • ikuryo

    ikuryo 72 (0), 1-10, 2023

    Japanese Association of Education and Healthcare for Children with Health Impairments; Nihon Ikuryo

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