Internal Governance and Resource Allocation in German Universities : Intra-institutional Formulae and Performance Agreements

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  • ドイツにおける大学統治と資源配分 : 学内での算定式と業績協定を中心に
  • ドイツ ニ オケル ダイガク トウチ ト シゲン ハイブン ガクナイ デノ サンテイシキ ト ギョウセキ キョウテイ ヲ チュウシン ニ
  • ドイツ ニ オケル ダイガク トウチ ト シゲン ハイブン : ガク ナイ デ ノ サンテイシキ ト ギョウセキ キョウテイ オ チュウシン ニ

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In the discussion about higher education reform in Japan, one of the intensely debated issues is how to reform internal governance of the national universities. The issue of governance has often been reduced to specific problems such as strengthening the president's leadership, while other important topics, particularly streamlining the institutional decision-making structure, have failed to be duly dealt with. By way of a contribution to the debate, this paper investigates the governance structures in German state universities, focusing on the relationships between central management and departments by means of internal resource allocation. This paper shows that German universities basically rely on decentralized governance structures, in which the departments enjoy a certain degree of managerial independence and the university leadership keeps indirect control on them. Steering tools such as formulae (metrics) and performance agreements are employed to serve this decentralized structure. The German model of internal university governance will give us clues to consider how to stimulate teaching and research in the university and, and at the same time, to make compatible managerial components and academic autonomy in higher education.


  • 大阪大学高等教育研究

    大阪大学高等教育研究 12 1-20, 2024-03-20

    Center For Education In Liberal Arts And Sciences, Osaka University

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