Research and study of a museum displaying replicas of parietal art

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  • 洞窟壁画レプリカ展示博物館の調査研究
  • ドウクツ ヘキガ レプリカ テンジ ハクブツカン ノ チョウサ ケンキュウ

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Replicas of Palaeolithic Parietal art have been made and publicly opened in recent years. Original cave paintings and engravings should have been conservated for the future generations, so we must admit that some caves should be closed to the audience. Significance of Replicas have been increased more and more, and in this article, we are to examine many examples of Altamira, Niaux, Lascaux, Cosquer and Chauvet. Each Replicas have its proper histories and circumstances, and we have pointed out the possibility of art reproductions.


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