A Consideration of Men and Masculinity Studies Applying Performativity: From Theory to Prospect
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- パフォーマティヴィティを援用する 男性/男性性研究の考察 ―理論から展望へ
- パフォーマティヴィティ オ エンヨウ スル ダンセイ/ダンセイセイ ケンキュウ ノ コウサツ : リロン カラ テンボウ エ
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Problematized in this article is the notion that men and masculinity studies (MMS) have conceptualized masculinity as men’s practice, identity, or something that determines men’s actions, and that this conceptualizing helps to take the category of men for granted. Thus, the theory of masculinities by Raewyn Connell, which has been the most influential in MMS, is critically considered in terms of the above point. Further, in doing so, it is indicated that it is effective to apply the concept of performativity by Judith Butler to theorize masculinity. The concept of performativity reveals that the category of men as a consistent gender never exists in subjects, and it is an unachievable process through incomplete repetition of asculinity. In addition, repetition can always fail, with the possibility of resignification. Performativity shows that men and masculinity are not fixed but fluid, with the possibility of failure. However, in Connell’s analysis, masculinity is recognized as men’s collective practice. With the notion of masculinity as men’s collective practice, she herself positions each masculinity into gender relations based on the dualism of masculinity/femininity. It is further pointed out that masculinity as collective practice always assumes the category of men as bearers of masculinity in advance. Practices are recognized as things already done, and this notion ends up ignoring the fact that performative repetition of masculinity is incomplete and unachievable. It is pointed out here that Connell’s theoretical framework multiplies masculinities, but in the end she treats them all as fixed. Therefore, the fixed category of men is always assumed in advance. It is concluded in this article that to overcome this theoretical limitation, it is effective to develop theories of masculinity applying performativity, which enables us to reconsider men and masculinity as fluid. Finally, focusing on MMS in Japan, this article discusses some prospects of studies applying performativity.
- ジェンダー & セクシュアリティ
ジェンダー & セクシュアリティ (19), 1-22, 2024-03-31
Center for Gender Studies
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390018351897460224
- NII Book ID
- AA12163540
- 033423581
- 18804764
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- Allowed