An Eye-tracking Analysis of Responses to Self-administered Questionnaires (1) : Research Trends and Positioning of this Study

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  • 自記式調査における回答行動のアイトラッキングによる分析 (1) : 研究動向と本研究の位置づけ
  • ジキシキ チョウサ ニ オケル カイトウ コウドウ ノ アイトラッキング ニ ヨル ブンセキ(1)ケンキュウ ドウコウ ト ホン ケンキュウ ノ イチズケ

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The prominent increase in the use of online surveys has put the credibility of obtained data in question. It has become an important research topic in social survey methods and social psychology. This uncredivility can be attributed to satisficing and flaws in designing the questionnaires. This study focuses on the latter issue and aims to find ways to make the questionnaires easy to attempt and attractive for the respondents. We have divided the research into three parts. In this study (Part1), we reviewed the current status of the eye-tracking analysis on how respondents respond to self-administered surveys. We then outlined the present research project. We prepared questionnaires for mail and web surveys, and conducted experiments regarding the components of the questionnaire and its design using an eyetracker. We introduced a highly probable situation to induce realistic response behavior while designing the experiment. We utilized multiple question types like multiple choice, classification, yes-or-no form, rating scale, semantic differential, ranking, paired comparisons, and open-ended method. Reporting the results obtained requires a considerable space, therefore, the results of the empirical analysis will be reported in the subsequent issues, i.e., Parts 2 and 3.


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