DH サマースクールで獲得した新たな視点 : 歴史研究者としての私がデジタルと向き合うということ


  • New perspectives gained at the DHOxSS: What it means for me as a historian to face the digital realm



[Abstract] This paper reports on my experiences and learning following my attendance the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2023 (DHOxSS 2023) held in July. I selected the class ‘Introduction to Digital Humanities’ and engaged in interdisciplinary discussions with other participants, with ‘digital’ as the common ground. In historiography, the issue of inequality among historical sources is a problem, mainly because only historical sources that have been previously digitised are further digitised. The choice of historical sources to be digitised is related to their degree of deterioration, funding sources, and national considerations. Historians who use digitised sources and publish the results created in the above context may be seen as complicit in the vicious circle of inequality created by digitisation. Before utilising digitised sources, we, as historians, must be cognizant of the digitization process, besides examining the nature of the historical sources. My experience at this summer school has also changed my approach to my career. Initially, my focus was on becoming a faculty member, but now I have the option of pursuing a career as a museum curator. As a profession, it combines my expertise with educational activities and has the potential to make traditional activities more engaging through digital humanities. This learning has influenced not only my research methods but also my vision for the future.


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