廊道研究與巴蜀文化: 以僚人入蜀為例

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  • 張 曦
    中央民族大学; 京都大學人文科學研究所


  • <Articles>Corridor Studies and Ba Shu Culture: Taking the example of the Liao peoples entering Shu
  • ロウドウ ケンキュウヨトモエショクブンカ : イリョウジンニュウショクイレイ



The study of Ba Shu culture, which began roughly in the early twentieth century with the revision process, includes the recognition of a national spirit such as “Ba Shu culture, ” which has a positive effect on the regional community. Because the Three Kingdoms, Wei, Jin, and North and South Dynasties were key points in the formation of the Han nation, they were also key periods in the formation of the historical and cultural perceptions of the area of Ba Shu. The mentioning of the culture of Ba Shu is necessary to refer to the “entry of the Liao people into Shu”, which cannot be simply considered as immigration into Shu, but rather as a complex interaction with other ethnic groups in different spaces such as the movement of the routes and settlements. The cultural holism, which recognizes the culture of a regional society as a dynamic whole in the past, present, and future, is an effective theoretical framework for understanding the Liao peopleʼs entry into Shu, and the introduction of the contact zone here facilitates the solution of the socio-cultural mechanism of ethnic integration in Shu and even in northern China as a whole after the two Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties.


  • 東方學報

    東方學報 98 334-314, 2023-12-25


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