Examination of reliability and validity of the “Self-Efficacy Scale of Occupation-focused Practice”
- Aoyama Katsumi
- Faculty of Rehabilitation Department of Occupational Therapy, Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University
- Oikawa Ryosuke
- Department of Occupational Therapy, Aso Rehabilitation College
- Ishibashi Yu
- Department of Occupational Therapy, Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Yamada Takashi
- Research Institute of the Model of Human Occupation Former affiliation; Faculty of Rehabilitation Department of Occupational Therapy, Tokyo Professional University of Health Sciences Tokyo Metropolitan University
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- Other Title
- 作業に焦点を当てた作業療法実践自己効力感尺度の信頼性・妥当性の検討
- サギョウ ニ ショウテン オ アテタ サギョウ リョウホウ ジッセン ジコ コウリョクカン シャクド ノ シンライセイ ・ ダトウセイ ノ ケントウ
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<p>This study investigated the reliability and validity of “The Scale of Self-Efficacy of Occupation focused Practice.” Subjects were registered occupational therapists and occupational therapy students in Japan. Effective responses were provided from 246 subjects using a web questionnaire. Factor analysis revealed 31 items and 3 factor structures. Covariance structure analysis based on this prediction indicated confirmation of model fitness with the goodness-of-fit index CFI=.911, while RMSEA=.096 was not a good fit. However, a certain level of construct validity was confirmed. Internal consistency reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's α coefficient. Cronbach's α of each factor were .970–.981, indicating that our developed scale was reliable and valid.</p>
- Japanese Occupational Therapy Research
Japanese Occupational Therapy Research 43 (3), 350-360, 2024-06-15
Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390019058250173184
- NII Book ID
- AN10076899
- 24344419
- 02894920
- 033582148
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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