Small Punch Creep Properties of Steels in High-Temperature Hydrogen Gas Atmosphere

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  • 高温水素雰囲気中における鉄鋼材料のスモールパンチクリープ特性


<p>The small punch (SP) creep test was conducted using a newly developed testing machine capable of conducting SP test with a small disk type specimen in a high temperature hydrogen gas atmosphere. The test material used was Type 304 austenitic stainless steel. The tests were carried out at a temperature of 600°C in a hydrogen and argon gas atmosphere with an absolute gas pressure of 0.12 MPa. The experimental results showed that the SP creep rupture time was shorter in the hydrogen gas atmosphere compared to the argon gas atmosphere. This difference in rupture decreased with decreasing applied SP load. Consequently, there was no significant difference at the load level of 486 N, which was the lowest SP load in this test. It was found that the F/σ value, which was necessary parameter for comparing SP results with traditional uniaxial creep rupture results, decreased with decreasing applied SP load. The F/σ value for hydrogen gas atmosphere was consistent larger than that for argon gas atmosphere, and this larger value was closely associated with higher rupture ductility in the hydrogen gas atmosphere.</p>


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