

  • Preliminary Examination of the Relationships between Ishibashi Tanzan and Political Funds
  • イシバシ タンザン ト セイジ シキン ノ カンケイ ニ ツイテ ノ ヨビテキ ケントウ



Political funds are an essential element in statesperson's daily activities, and no matter how honest they may be, they cannot escape from the problem of money for political activities. The 55th Prime Minister of Japan Ishibashi Tanzan (石橋湛山, 1884-1973), who was recognised as person of being indifferent to money, has been the subject of controversy over political funding issues in the late 1940s to the mid-1950s. In this paper, we examined political funds issues of Isihbashi Tanzan focusing on some political and social events such as the Hozen Keizaikai Issues. As the results, we cleared that Ishibashi took a role of the person in charge of political fundraising of the Japan Liberal Party and the Liberal Party–Hatoyama. The relationships with political funds were a process in which Ishibashi Tanzan, as an idealist, was frustrated and it was also a process in which he learned a physical power of money in politics. In this meaning, it was implied that the events related to political funds might be understood as the process of maturation as a statesperson for Ishibashi Tanzan.


  • 国際日本学

    国際日本学 21 85-96, 2024-02-10


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