Techno-Economic Analysis of Steam Supply Heat Pumps

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Other Title
  • 蒸気供給ヒートポンプの技術経済性分析
  • (Influence of Refrigerant Selection)
  • (冷媒選択が与える影響)


<p>High-temperature heat pumps represent a pivotal technology in the pursuit of decarbonizing industrial process heating with the utmost efficiency. Steam serves as the energy carrier for many industrial systems, making steam supply heat pumps a promising approach for efficient decarbonization. In this paper, a thermodynamic and economic model of a heat pump system is developed based on the test results with a heat pump supplying steam up to 175°C. The model is used to analyze the change in COP (coefficient of performance) and LCOH (levelized cost of heat) when changing to new refrigerants.</p>


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