Direct quantitative determination of solid samples by laser Raman spectrometry

  • HIGUCHI Seiichiro
    Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
  • SATO Hisao
    Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
  • TANAKA Shigeyuki
    Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

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Other Title
  • レーザーラマン分光法による固体試料の直接定量法
  • レーザー ラマン ブンコウホウ ニヨル コタイ シリョウ ノ チョクセツ テイ

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The direct quantitative analysis of solid samples by laser Raman spectrometry was examined methodologically. It was shown that the usual methods of sample handling for solid samples (for example, holding samples in a glass capillary, or forming samples into pressed pellets) do not give satisfactory results for the purpose of quantitative determination of mixed samples because of the inevitable inhomogeneity. In thepresent investigation, we proposed and examined the two methods of avoiding or minimizing this influence of sample inhomogeneity. One of them is to average the inhomogeneity of samples by rotating rapidly sample pellets which results in the increase of the parts of samples contributing to the spectral intensities. The other is to melt solid samples by heating into homogeneous liquid states. Using some model compounds, these methods were examined in view of direct quantitative determination of solid samples. It was clarified that both of the methods give the reproducible intensity values and the linear relations between intensities and concentrations with the precisions good enough. Thus, the present experimental results can be concluded to indicate the possible approaches to the quantitative treatments of practical samples which are insoluble in solvents suitable for Raman spectrometry such as water.



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 28 (12), T68-T72, 1979

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

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