塩化第二鉄水溶液中の遊離塩酸の定量法について(JIS K 1447の再検討)


  • Determination of free acid in ferric chloride solution (reivestigation of JIS K 1447).
  • エンカ ダイ 2 テツ スイヨウエキチュウ ノ ユウリ エンサン ノ テイリョ



Acidic ferric chloride solution is widely used as an etching solution for processing the copper coated printed circuits. Determination of free acid (HG!) in ferric chloride solu tion according to the JIS K 1447 method often results in a large negative errors. Principle of the JIS method involves the preliminary separation of ferric ion as K3FeF3 by adding a neutralized potassium fluoride solution, followed by the alkalimetry on an aliquot of the filtrate. However, it was found that hydrofluoric acid which results in the mixture after the addition of potassium fluoride, reacts with glass-ware with the consumption of proton, thus giving negative errors. Accordingly, all glass-wares which come in contact with acidic potassium fluoride solution, have been replaced with polypropyrene laboratory wares. The analytical results obtained under this condition was in good agreement with the calculated values.


  • 分析化学

    分析化学 41 (3), T45-T47, 1992

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

