Simultaneous determination of hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides in combustion gas by ion chromatography.

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  • イオンクロマトグラフィーによる塩化水素,窒素酸化物,硫黄酸化物の同時定量 共同実験による測定精度の検討
  • イオン クロマトグラフィー ニ ヨル エンカ スイソ チッソ サンカブツ イオ
  • 共同実験による測定精度の検討

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Round robin tests were carried out by members of Association for Environmental Analysis in Osaka in order to determine the level of precision achievable for ion chromatography in the determination of hydrogen chloride, nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide in combustion gases. Although high precision was obtained on all analytes in this test, a lack of accuracy for the analytical values of nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide was recognized. In order to achieve good accuracy, it is necessary to check and eliminate all sources of systematic errors that can be detected in the laboratory.



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 44 (4), 313-318, 1995

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

Citations (9)*help

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