GC/MS determination of dichloroethylene isomers in water.

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  • 水中のジクロロエチレン異性体のガスクロマトグラフィー質量分析法による定量
  • スイチュウ ノ ジクロロエチレン イセイタイ ノ ガス クロマトグラフィー シ

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Capillary GC/MS combined with purge and trap technique has been applied to analysis for traces of dichloroethyleneisomers (DCEs) in water. With the cryo-capillary interface mode, the detection limit was 0.01μg/l with 5ml sample size. Reproducibility ofselected ion monitoring (SIM) chromatographic peak areas were in the range of 4-7%for concentration of 1μg/l, but were 10% for 0.05μg/l concentrations. The SIM peakintensity ratios between monitor ions showed excellent reproducibilities. The resultsobtained with the cryo-column mode were also discussed and compared with those of the cryo-capillary interface mode.



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 40 (6), T131-T136, 1991

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

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