Atomic absorption spectrometry of silver collected on ion-exchange filter paper by directly heating the filter paper.
- NAKANO Kunio
- Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Rikkyo University
- ICHISUGI Shigeru
- Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Rikkyo University
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- Other Title
- イオン交換ろ紙を直接加熱する銀の原子吸光分析
- イオン コウカン ロシ オ チョクセツ カネツスル ギン ノ ゲンシ キュウコ
- イオン交換〓紙を直接加熱する銀の原子吸光分析
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In this paper direct determination of silver collected on ion-exchange filter paper was studied. 50 ml of sample solution of which pH was adjusted to 3.3 with hydrochloric acid was passed through a sheet of ion-exchange filter paper, and after the filter paper was dried, it was punched with a 2.5 mm puncher. The small tablet was put onto a tungsten atomizing furnace and electrothermally heated. The calibration curve was linear at Ag+ concentrations below 0.3 ng/ml, and 1% absorption sensitivity was 1.2×10-3 ng/ml. Coexsisting 104-fold Na+, 103-fold Cu2+, and 103-fold Pb2+ did not affect the absorbance of Ag. Detection limit of this method is considered to lower by increasing the volume of sample solution.
BUNSEKI KAGAKU 34 (9), 573-575, 1985
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
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- 1390282679030238080
- NII Article ID
- 110002909220
- NII Book ID
- AN00222633
- 3056670
- 05251931
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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