Rapid semi-quantitative determination of mercury in a fluorescent lamp by laser ablation/ICP-MS.
- Lighting Development Center,Lighting Company,Matsushita Electronics Corporation,1-1,Saiwai-cho,Takatsuki-shi,Osaka 569-1193
- NAKAHARA Taketoshi
- Department of Applied Chemistry,Graduate school of Engineering,Osaka Prefecture University,1-1,Gakuen-cho,Sakai-shi,Osaka 599-8531
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- レーザーアブレーション/誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法による蛍光ランプ中の水銀の迅速半定量分析
- レーザーアブレーション ユウドウ ケツゴウ プラズマ シツリョウ ブンセキホウ ニ ヨル ケイコウ ランプ チュウ ノ スイギン ノ ジンソク ハンテイリョウ ブンセキ
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With respect to recent environmental pollution, it is required in the lighting industry to reduce the amount of mercury(Hg)enclosed within fluorescent lamps.So far, various chemical and physical analytical techniques have provided great results in solving the behavior of Hg in a fluorescent lamp.Upon determining Hg in a fluorescent lamp, a chemical analysis with a wet digestion procedure causes a possibility of vaporization of Hg during the pretreatment step, a limitation of the analysis in a specific part of the fluorescent lamp, and difficulties in conducting rapid analysis.Therefore, we developed a rapid and simple semi-quantitative determination of Hg in a specific part of the fluorescent lamp by laser ablation(LA)/ICP-MS.Regarding the calibration method, using europium(Eu)as an internal element, which is about 2wt% of the content of phosphor used in the fluorescent lamp, the ratio of the Hg/Eu intensity was determined, and the relative sensitivity factor(RSF)of the Hg/Eu intensity was determined by using a pellet made of cellulose powder mixed with europium oxide and mercury oxide, and the amount of Hg in the fluorescent lamp could be calculated from the Hg/Eu of phosphor and the RSF value.The relative standard deviation for 5 replicate measurements of 60μg g-1 Hg was less than 20%.The detection limit(3σ)was 3.6μg g-1.We confirmed that this technique could be a rapid and simple semi-quantitative analysis of Hg in a specific part of the fluorescent lamp without any wet pretreatment.
BUNSEKI KAGAKU 49 (9), 661-666, 2000
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679030281472
- NII Article ID
- 110002905896
- NII Book ID
- AN00222633
- 1:CAS:528:DC%2BD3cXmslGnsbc%3D
- 5485683
- 05251931
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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