

  • Challenges for high sour oil field development at offshore Qatar
  • 講演 カタール沖合における高濃度H₂Sを含む中小油田の開発
  • コウエン カタール オキアイ ニ オケル コウノウド H ₂ S オ フクム チュウショウ ユデン ノ カイハツ



<p>Oil production from two adjacent offshore fields, KK field and AN field, started in 2006 in conjunction with sour gas injection, followed by the oil production from AS field started in 2011. These marginal sour oil fields, offshore Qatar near the border of UAE, in the Arabian Gulf have been developed incorporated with the challenges to realize the oil production with the minimum cost facilities and designs that would require low operating and maintenance costs for the production, control and monitoring of these offshore fields. Especially the implementation of sour gas injection in minimal offshore platform was most essential achievement. The challenges for the minimum cost facilities and designs to achieve the development of these high sour oil fields will be discussed in this paper.</p>


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