Tropospheric Wet Delay of Microwaves at Shionomisaki, Southwest Japan, and a Preliminary Evaluation of Mapping Functions.

  • Mousa Ashraf
    Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
  • Tanaka Torao
    Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

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  • 潮岬における大気中の水蒸気によるマイクロ波の伝播遅延とマッピング関数の予備的評価
  • Tropospheric Wet Delay of Microwaves at

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Based on the analysis of water vapor radiometer data taken at Shionomisaki, daily fluctuation and azimuthal non uniformity of tropospheric wet delay are investigated. It is shown that wet delay has its maximum value at night then decreases till it reachesits minimum value around noon with an amplitude of about 1.0 cm in the zenith direction. It is also revealed that wet delay is not symmetric in the north-south direction with maximum difference of 1-2 cm at the elevation angles of 50-15 degrees. Besides Chao's and Niell's mapping functions are also evaluated using the radiometer observation. The two mapping functions give no significant difference in calculated slant delays and always overestimate the wet delay at Shionomisaki compared to water vapor radiometer data. This overestimation error reaches about 30 cm at 15° elevation angle.



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