Study of QCD phase transition by lattice simulations(Hadrons at finite density)

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  • Study of QCD phase transition by lattice simulations

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We will review the recent studies of the QCD phase structure by numerical simulations in the low density region. It is important to investigate the phase structure and the equation of state of QCD in the low density regime which is interesting for heavy-ion collision experiments. The studies of the phase structure and the equation of state can provide basic input for the analysis of the experimental signatures for QGP formation. In the last several years, remarkable progress in exploring the QCD phase structure in the temperature (T) and quark chemical potential (μ_q) plane have been made in numerical studies of lattice QCD. The phase transition line, separating hadron phase and quark-gluon plasma phase, was investigated from μq=0 to finite μ_q [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and the equation of state was also analyzed quantitatively at low density [3, 6]. Moreover the study of the endpoint of first order phase transition line in the (T, μ_q) plane, whose existence is suggested by phenomenological studies [7, 8], is particularly interesting both from the experimental and theoretical points of view. To find this endpoint, event by event fluctuations have been measured in heavy ion collisions. In this report, we review recent progress of lattice QCD simulations, highlighting the study of the critical endpoint in the (T,μ_q) plane. The lattice QCD at nonzero baryon density is known to have a serious problem called "sign problem", however this problem is not very serious for the studies in the low density region, and interesting results have been gradually obtained using the following approaches.


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