Analytic System for Landslide by Different Time Photogrammetry. Presumption of Underground Slide Surface by Analysis of Surface Displacement Data of Hachimantai Sumikawa Landslide Area.
- 信州大学大学院
- YOSHIZAWA Norikazu
- Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University
- Surveying Department, Construction College, Minis-try of Construction
- Map Imagery, Cartographic Department, Geograph-ical Survey Institute, Ministry of Construction
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 時間差空中写真測量による地すべり解析システム 八幡平澄川地すべり地の変位計測データを利用した地下すべり面の推定
- ジカンサ クウチュウ シャシン ソクリョウ ニ ヨル ジスベリ カイセキ システム ハチマンタイ スミカワ ジスベリチ ノ ヘンイ ケイソク データ オ リヨウ シタ チカスベリ メン ノ スイテイ
- —Presumption of Underground Slide Surface by Analysis of Surface Displacement Data of Hachimantai Sumikawa Landslide Area—
- ―八幡平澄川地すべり地の変位計測データを利用した地下すべり面の推定―
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Advanced procedure for presumption of underground slide surface by analysis of different-time-photogrammetry is shown by study of Hachimantai-Sumikawa landslide, at the northeastern part of Akita prefecture in Japan, occurred on May, 11th, 1997. This landslide area had no artificial objects which can be used for tracking point to find out the ground displacement, so that the photo interpretation technique based on canopy gaps in natural beech forest was newly introduced. Additionally, in the presumption of underground slide surface geometry, a new analytic procedure based on soil mechanics, i. e. the slide-force-ratio that is derived from the digital elevation model, raised the precision of presumed 3-dimentional slide surface. The result of analysis shows good coincidence with a slide surface presumed by the data of boring survey.
- Journal of the Japan society of photogrammetry and remote sensing
Journal of the Japan society of photogrammetry and remote sensing 39 (1), 39-47, 2000
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
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- 1390282679053333760
- NII Article ID
- 10004968041
- NII Book ID
- AN00111450
- 18839061
- 02855844
- 5292812
- Text Lang
- ja
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