

  • Improvement of the Monochromator exit Irradiance Uniformity by Optical Fiber Bundle
  • コウガク ファイバ ソク ニヨル モノクロメータ シュツシャコウ ショウド ム



At precise spectral sensitivity measurement of the detectors, the recieving surface must be uniformly irrdiated. However, the usaul monochormator exit irradiance distribution is irregular and vary from wavelength setting.<BR>The optical fiber bundle, which is set between exit slit and detector, improve to the irradiance uniformity with a small radiant flux loss. The bundles are constructed 8000 to 100glass or plastic fiber of 0.03 to 0.25mm diameter and guide lenghth of 100 to 300mm.<BR>The results from combination of bundle and monochromator (with light source) are as follows:<BR>(1) On wavelength region of 390 to 720nm, the bundle exit radiation uniformity is not varied, <BR>(2) Radiant flux over the 90% uniformity ratio area is about 0.2 times of bundle total emitted flux.<BR>(3) With NIKON G-250 monochromator and 150 W halogen lamp, bundle out put power over 90% uniformity ratio area is 2.5 to 9μW at 390 to 760nm.


  • 照明学会誌

    照明学会誌 65 (10), 493-498, 1981

    一般社団法人 照明学会

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