鉱物―マグマ間の元素分配に対する圧力の影響 その構造との関連性


  • Perssur effect on element pertitioning between minerals and magma under high pressure-relationship to their structures.
  • コウブツ マグマカン ノ ゲンソ ブンパイ ニ タイスル アツリョク ノ エイ



Element partitioning between minerals and silicate melt has been investigated at pressures 1-17 GPa, by using 6-8 type multi anvil high pressure apparatus. The observed partition coefficients, D, were plotted on partition coefficient - ionic radius (PC-IR) diagram. In the case of olivine/silicate-melt system, partition coefficient of most of the elements gradually decreased with increasing pressure. However, partition coefficient of Al increased with increase in pressure, and this result may be suggesting that partition coefficient of Al may depend on the composition and structure of the coexisting silicate melt. It was difficult to identify peaks of partition coefficient profile in majorite / silicate-melt system. There was a bottom of the partition coefficient profile of Ca-perovskite / silicate-liquid at around 70-80 pm, and the existence of peaks at around 50 and 100 pm is expected from the observed profile of partition coefficient.


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