Multi-Step Phase Transition Based on Intramolecular Electron Transfers in a Cyanide-Bridged Tetranuclear Molecular Square
- NIHEI Masayuki
- Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
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- シアン化物イオン架橋環状四核錯体における分子内電子移動に基づく多段階相転移
- シアンカブツ イオン カケハシ カンジョウ ヨンカク サクタイ ニ オケル ブンシ ナイ デンシ イドウ ニ モトズク タダンカイソウ テンイ
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Controlled intramolecular electron transfers were demonstrated in a series of cyanide-bridged Fe-Co molecular squares, [Co2Fe2(CN)6(L1)2(L2)4](PF6)2. The electronic structures of the molecular squares can be varied between [FeIIILS2CoIIHS2] and [FeIILS2CoIIILS2] state by intramolecular electron transfers, which were significantly affected by the redox potential differences between metal ions. Chemical modifications of the capping ligands allowed the systematic control of the electronic states, and the occurrence of a novel two-step thermal electron transfer-coupled spin transition (ETCST). The two-step ETCST was originating from three thermodynamically stable phases, LT, IM, and HT phases. The electronic structure of each phase was investigated by X-ray structural analyses, and the IM phase showed long-range order of [FeIIILS2CoIIHS2] and [FeIILS2CoIIILS2] species. In addition, novel thermal and protonation-induced ETCST in the solution state were found using variable temperature UV-vis absorption spectroscopy.
- Nihon Kessho Gakkaishi
Nihon Kessho Gakkaishi 54 (6), 319-324, 2012
The Crystallographic Society of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679064782848
- NII Article ID
- 10031144597
- NII Book ID
- AN00188364
- 18845576
- 03694585
- 024224467
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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