単純船型の波形解析 : 肋骨線形状の影響(その1)


  • Wave Analysis of Simple Hull Forms
  • 単純船型の波形解析
  • タンジュン センケイ ノ ハケイ カイセキ ロッコツ センケイジョウ ノ エイキョウ 1
  • Effect of Frameline Forms
  • 肋骨線形状の影響 (その1)



A set of three 2m models (M8, 9, 10) are wave-analyzed, where importance is placed in the bow wave analysis rather than in the resultant wave analysis.<BR>The three models are generated from the central vertical plane distribution of sources, whose draftwise distribution is varied as V, U and Λ types under the given restriction of M (ξ) =∫10m (ξ, ζ) dζ=fixed.<BR>The measured wave patterns show the “averaged” parallel shift (Δx, Δy) as well as the “local” distortion in co-ordination to the calculated wave patterns, whereΔy is roughly estimated as B/2<BR>The “measured” bow wave amplitude AF (θ) is found always smaller than the “calculated” amplitude throughout the whole range of θ=0π/2.Particulary, reduction is by far more remarkable around θ→π/2.<BR>The order of magnitude in “measured” AF (θ) as well as in “measured” wave profiles and/or in “measured” Cw for the tested three models V, U and Λ is not consistent with that of the linearized theory.<BR>This may suggest a kind of empirical correction factor α2 (ζ) to be applied just for the “wave-making” (not for the “hull-generating”) strength of source, such as<BR>0<α2 (ζ) ≤1, for 0≤ζ≤1 and α2 (0) <1, α2 (1) =1<BR>where ζ=f/T (f=immersion of source, T=draft of distributionplane).


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