Rapid Separation of Gangliosides Using Strong Anion Exchanger Cartridges

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A method utilizing strong anion exchanger cartridges (InertSep SAX) was developed to separate gangliosides. Total lipids extracted from rat brain is able to be rapidly separated into neutral and acidic lipids rapidly. Neutral lipids were passed through the SAX cartridge while acidic lipids adsorbed onto the cartridge and were eluted by chloroform/methanol/4.0 M aqueous ammonium acetate (5:10:1, by volume). Moreover, various kinds of gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b) were separated individually according to their characteristics by elution with increasing concentration of ammnonium acetate (0 - 4.0 M). The gangliosides yield of this procedure was higher than 95%.<br>


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