Adequacy of Power-to-volume Scaling Philosophy to Simulate Natural Circulation in Integral Test Facilities.

  • NAYAK A. K
    Reactor Design and Development Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
    Reactor Design and Development Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
  • SAHA D
    Reactor Design and Development Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
    Reactor Design and Development Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
  • ARITOMI Masanori
    Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology


  • Adequacy of Power-to-volume Scaling Phi



Theoretical and experimental investigations were carried out, to study the adequacy of power-to-volume scaling philosophy for the simulation of natural circulation and to establish the scaling philosophy applicable for the design of the Integral Test Facility (ITF-AHWR) for the Indian Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR). The results indicate that a reduction in the flow channel diameter of the scaled facility as required by the power-to-volume scaling philosophy may affect the simulation of natural circulation behaviour of the prototype plants. This is caused by the distortions due to the inability to simulate the frictional resistance of the scaled facility. Hence, it is recommended that the flow channel diameter of the scaled facility should be as close as possible to the prototype. This was verified by comparing the natural circulation behaviour of a prototype 220MWe Indian PHWR and its scaled facility (FISBE-1) designed based on power-to-volume scaling philosophy. It is suggested from examinations using a mathematical model and a computer code that the FISBE-1 simulates the steady state and the general trend of transient natural circulation behaviour of the prototype reactor adequately. Finally the proposed scaling method was applied for the design of the ITF-AHWR.


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