Processing High-Level Liquid Waste by Super-High-Temperature Method(4)Reducing Reactions and Alloy Formation by Platinum Group Elements,Molybdenum and Corrosion Products Taking Place in Simulated HLLW

  • UNO Masayosi
    Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
  • KADOTANI Youji
    Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
  • KINOSHITA Hajime
    Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
  • MIYAKE Chie
    Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University Osaka Institute of Technology
  • HORIE Misato
    Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation Nippon Electric Glass Co.


  • Processing High-Level Liquid Waste by Super-High-Temperature Method, (IV). Reducing Reactions and Alloy Formation by Platinum Group Elements, Molybdenum and Corrosion Products Taking Place in Simulated HLLW.
  • Processing High-Level Liquid Waste by S
  • Reducing Reactions and Alloy Formation by Platinum Group Elements, Molybdenum and Corrosion Products Taking Place in Simulated HLLW



An experimental study made on the reducing reactions and the formation of alloys taking place in oxide mixtures representing high-level liquid waste (HLLW) generated by the PUREX process, and in particular, on the effect brought on the metal melting temperature by the presence of corrosion products mainly Fe, Cr, Ni deriving from the vessels used in the process. It proved that heat treatment at 1, 873K melted the metal phases produced from all the starting mixtures taken up. The metal phases obtained from starting mixtures of corrosion products or their oxides proved to contain alloys of Cr-Fe-Ni, Fe-Ni and Cr-Ni, and in addition Ru-Fe alloy and Mo, Pd metals when the starting mixture further included platinum metals and molybdenum oxides, which also are found in the HLLW from PUREX process. The same six alloys and metals cited above were formed in the metal phases obtained from simulated calcined HLLW used as starting mixture. The melting of Ru and Mo at 1, 873K far below their melting points was attributed to the dissolution of Fe into Ru and of Fe or Ni into Mo.


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