Composite Planar Fabrics Capable of Distinguishing Between Slip Surface Clay and Fault Gauge
- YAMANE Makoto
- OYO Corporation
- YAMADA Masanori
- OYO Corporation
- SENGOKU Akiyoshi
- OYO Corporation
- WAKIZAKA Yasuhiko
- Public Works Research Institute Japan Dam Engineering Center
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
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- Other Title
- すべり面粘土と断層ガウジを識別する複合面構造
- すべり面粘土と断層ガウジを識別する複合面構造 : 秩父帯の地すべりを例として
- スベリ メン ネンド ト ダンソウ ガウジ オ シキベツ スル フクゴウメン コウゾウ : チチブタイ ノ ジスベリ オ レイ ト シテ
- Composite planar fabrics capable of distinguishing between slip surface clay and fault gauge- An example of landslide of accretionary complex in the Chichibu Belt
- ―秩父帯の地すべりを例として―
- ―An Example of Landslide of Accretionary Complex in the Chichibu Belt―
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It is impossible to distinguish slip surface clay from tectonic fault gouge based on only geological observation of surface of a drilled core. Then, half cut drilled core specimens prepared based on the resin fixing method were used to observe the slip surface clay and fault gouges in high-quality drilled cores in the landslide located in the Chichibu Belt in the Shikoku Central Mountain Region. Borehole inclinometers have detected cumulative displacements in this landslide. The results revealed fine structures such as composite planar fabric and asymmetric structures in finely crushed parts around the slip surface. In parts presumed to be slip surface clay, normal-fault sense was confirmed by the fine structure. Whereas in parts outside the slip surface, reverse-fault sense was confirmed by the composite planar fabric. Normal-fault sense in slip surface clay and reverse-fault sense in the other parts is consistent with those senses expected from the mechanisms of formation of a slip surface and tectonic faults in accretionary prism. Therefore, observing the fine composite planar fabric of a half cut core to evaluate the shear sense will be an effective method to distinguish slip surface clay from a fault gouge, which was formerly difficult to do simply by visually examining a drilled core surface.
- Journal of the Japan Society of Engineering Geology
Journal of the Japan Society of Engineering Geology 56 (3), 94-104, 2015
Japan Society of Engineering Geology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679072920960
- NII Article ID
- 130005120396
- NII Book ID
- AN00026635
- 18840973
- 02867737
- 026682261
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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