Influence of Poole-Frenkel Effect on Depletion Discharge Transient Spectroscopy

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  • 暗減衰過渡分光法におけるPoole-Frenkel効果の影響
  • アンゲンスイ カト ブンコウホウ ニ オケル Poole Frenkel コウ

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Depletion discharge transient spectroscopy (DDTS)1) has been modified by taking account of the Poole-Frenkel (P-F) effect. It's numerical calculation shows that the spatially uniform electric field simply determined from the surface potential and film thickness provides the fairly faithful emission states distribution with the strong P-F effect. This method has been applied to the analysis of DDTS spectra strongly affected by the P-F effect for amorphous silicon photoreceptors. The result indicates that the density of electron emission states is 4×1015 eV-1cm-3 around 0.8 eV and increases up to 2×1016 eV-1cm-3 as the energy level deepens to the midgap.


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