アメリカ体育振興協会期(1885-1903年)の体育専門職をめぐる論議 : 医学博士取得会員と体操教師会員との抗争とかかわって


  • The discussion for the physical education profession at the period of the AAAPE (1885-1903) : with reference to a dissension between members Who have taken a medical degree and members of gymnastic teachers
  • アメリカ タイイク シンコウ キョウカイキ 1885-1903ネン ノ タイイ



The purpose of this paper is to ascertain the progress of the discussion for physical education profession at the period of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education (AAAPE,1885-1903). Dr. L. H. Gulick's suggestion is regarded as an oldest opinion in those days. His "A New Profession, '' which has published at the fifth annual meeting(1890), become the object of attention. He advocates firmly that physical education profession must be intrinsically a broad, scientific, philosophic field, and also as one of the departments in education. Taking advantage of this suggestion, some discussion has been made. After that, following three problems of association are proceeded further. First problem is to suggest a list of valuable books and articles on physical education. Second problem is to suggest a list of studies for this profession corresponding to the studies of the medical school. Third problem is to suggest a degree which is a suitable one for this profession. The discussion of physical education profession has reached its climax in 1899, at the 11th annual convention. Noticeably, with relation to above third problem "a suitable degree'', the resolution suggested by the executives has made a thorough revision as follow. "(1) It is contrary to the best interests of physical education for teachers of gymnasgics and directors of physical training unless they have had special preparation, to profess or be expected to serve either as experts in school hygiene or as practitioners in Mechanotherapy. (2) A medical degree in itself cannot be considered as a sufficient qualification for a position as director of physical training or teacher of gymnastics. (3) A professional course of training is a necessary qualification for the teacher of gymnastics or director of physical training.'' Above-mentioned progresses of discussion prove that the members intend to give academic status of physical education upon the basis of medical science. This progress of discussion, on the other hand, shows an inevitable step of dissension between small number of members who have taken a medical degree and large number of gymnastic teachers, preferably experts of practical gymnastic instruction. This dissension is closely bound up with the plan of teacher training and/or the certification of gymnastic teachers. Some members who have founded normal gymnastic school themselves carry their opinionated leadership into the establishment of physical education profession. Their opinions have an inclination to urge the specialization of physical educator. This may be given as a conclusion that the discussions of the general nature of educator rather recede than assist the discussion of the proper nature of physical educator.


  • 体育学研究

    体育学研究 41 (1), 1-10, 1996

    一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

