

  • Properties of A2017 Sheet Joints by Various Joining Processes
  • カクシュ セツゴウホウ ニ ヨル A2017 ウスイタ ツギテ ノ トクセイ



High-strength Al-Cu based alloy is a low-weldability material with many technical problems to be solved in order to improve its weld properties. This reseach was performed to evaluate various joining processes and determine a satisfactory process in terms of the properties of Al-Cu alloy sheet of 0.8mm in thickness. YAG laser, disk laser and plasma welding were considered as high-energy beam joining processes. Furhtermore, we also considered FSW which was classified as solid-state welding. The properties of high-strength aluminum alloy welds produced with high energy beam welding and FSW were satisfactory, and reliable welded joints with higher tensile strengths coule be obtained. When evaluating the weld characteristics in the drop impact test, the YAG laser and disk laser welded joints did not fracture along the joined line and the fracture chracteristics were satisfactory. FSW and disklaser welding displayed good properties, and it was evident that a reliable joint could be obtained by control of the heat source. In the case of FSW, the relationship between tensile and drop impact properties of the joints was not elucidated.


  • 軽金属溶接

    軽金属溶接 49 (8), 288-295, 2011

    一般社団法人 軽金属溶接協会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

