Impregnation Process of Insoluble Cobalt Ferrocyanide onto Anion-Exchange Fiber Prepared by Radiation-Induced Graft Polymerization

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The impregnation process of insoluble cobalt hexacyanidoferrate(II) onto an anion-exchange fiber was clarified. Vinylbenzyl trimethylammonium chloride and N-vinyl pyrrolidone were cograft-polymerized onto a 6-nylon fiber with an average diameter of 40μm to obtain an anion-exchange capacity of 0.61 mmol/g. Hexacyanidoferrate(II) ions were adsorbed onto the anion-exchange fiber uniformly across the fiber. Subsequently, by immersing the fiber into cobalt chloride solution, hexacyanidoferrate(II) ions were quantitatively reacted with cobalt ions to form a precipitate at the periphery of the fiber. No leakage of this precipitate to the external solution was detected. The impregnation percentage, defined as the mass content of the precipitate in the resultant fiber, was 6.6%.



    RADIOISOTOPES 64 (4), 219-228, 2015

    Japan Radioisotope Association


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