Bioactive Saponins and Glycosides. XV. Saponin Constituents with Gastroprotective Effect from the Seeds of Tea Plant, Camellia sinensis L. var. assamica PIERRE, Cultivated in Sri Lanka. Structures of Assamsaponins A, B, C, D, and E.


The saponin fraction from the seeds of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis L. var. assamica PIERRE cultivated in Sri Lanka, was found to show a potent protective effect on gastric mucosal lesions induced by ethanol in rats. Nine new acylated polyhydroxyoleanene-type triterpene oligoglycosides called assamsaponins A-I were isolated from the active saponin fraction together with three known saponins, theasaponin E1 and E2 and camellias-aponin B1. The structures of assamsaponins A-E were elucidated on the basis of chemical and physicochemical evidence. Theasaponin E1 exhibited potent gastroprotective activity.


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