Josephson Current through a Metallic Carbon Nanotube in the Conductance-Quantization Regime

  • Takane Yositake
    Department of Quantum Matter, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University



DC Josephson current through a metallic carbon nanotube with N conducting channels is studied at temperature T when the potential range of scatterers is larger than the lattice constant. With increasing length of the carbon nanotube, its conductance approaches the quantized value G0=4e2h irrespective of N. Our attention is focused on the T-dependence of the Josephson critical current Ic in this conductance-quantization regime. The thermal length ξT, which characterizes Ic(T), is calculated by combining the Matsubara technique and the random-matrix approach. It is shown that ξT=hvF⁄(2πNkBT) (vF: the Fermi velocity). This indicates that Ic(T) depends on N, in contrast to the conductance which is given by G0 irrespective of N.


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