Distribution of pathogenic enzyme producers in periodontal pockets with and without acute inflammation

  • NAKAGAKI Naoki
    Graduate School of Dentistry (Periodontology), Osaka Dental University

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  • 歯周ポケットにおける病原酵素産生菌の分布

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     I examine the production of the hydrolytic enzymes β-lactamase, DNase, hyaluronidase, chondroitin sulfatase, lipase, lecithinase, collagenase, trypsin, chymotrypsin and viscous material in clinical strains isolated from periodontal pockets with and without acute inflammation.<br>      In pocket bacteria with acute inflammation, the distribution of collagenase, DNase and trypsin producers was 30.4, 22.6 and 17.6%, respectively. Other hydrolytic enzyme-active bacteria were found in less than 5% of all isolates. However, in cases without acute inflammation, the averages for collagenase and DNase producers were 22.0 and 18.4%, respectively. The ratios for other enzyme producers were less than 6.0%, suggesting that collagenase, DNase and trypsin producers may be involved in exacerbation of the disease. <br>      In cases with acute inflammation, Porphyromonas gingivalis was the predominant collagenase producer (33.9%), DNase producer (35.7%) and trypsin producer (82.9%). However, in cases without acute inflammation, "milleri" group streptococci were identified as the major producer of collagenase (16.0%) and DNase (31.8%). P. gingivalis was the predominant trypsin producer (42.0%), although it was a subordinant producer of collagenase (8.2%) and DNase (7.1%).<br>      The ratio of the above enzyme producers was highest in periodontal pockets with acute inflammation, lower in cases without acute inflammation, and lowest in acute periapical periodontitis cases. This indicates that pocket bacteria have considerable potential to induce acute inflammation.


  • Shikaigaku

    Shikaigaku 56 (6), 497-508, 1993

    Osaka Odontological Society

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