Climatic controls of the distribution and abundance of two evergreen Quercus species in Japan

  • Nakao Katsuhiro
    The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Matsui Tetsuya
    Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
  • Tanaka Nobuyuki
    Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
  • Hukusima Tukasa
    The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

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  • 日本における常緑カシ類2種の個体および優占林の分布を規定する気候条件
  • ニホン ニ オケル ジョウ リョク カシルイ 2シュ ノ コタイ オヨビ ユウセンリン ノ ブンプ オ キテイ スル キコウ ジョウケン

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We developed statistical distribution models for two evergreen Quercus species (Q. acuta and Q. salicina) by using classification tree analyses with phytosociological releve data, in Japan. Two different models were constructed for each of the two species: (1) species at least present (SP-model) and (2) species dominant in the canopy layer (DO-model). Four climate variables: warmth index (WI), temperature of the coldest month (TMC), summer precipitation (PRS) and winter precipitation (PRW), were used as predictor variables. WI and TMC were the most influential factors for each of the two species. The lower temperature range of each species was generally coincided with the averaged minimum temperature of the coldest month warmer than or equal to -1℃ The DO-models for the two species were mainly contributed by WI, and the predicted optimal habitats were narrower than those of the SP-models. The predicted distributions for the two species were similar to the geographical patterns of PRS. Specifically, Q. acuta was mainly predicted to occur under high precipitation conditions, such as on the western part of the Kanto region on the Pacific Ocean side. On the other hand, Q. salicina was predicted to occur both on the Pacific Ocean side and the Sea of Japan side. PRW was influential factors for the DO-models. Q. acuta was predicted to occur under low PRW conditions.



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