Analysis of the direct use value and the option value of the barrier-free maintenance for station facilities by CVM

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  • CVMを用いた鉄道駅施設のバリアフリー化に関する直接的利用価値とオプション価値の分析
  • CVM オ モチイタ テツドウエキ シセツ ノ バリアフリーカ ニ カンスル チョクセツテキ リヨウ カチ ト オプション カチ ノ ブンセキ

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The purpose of this study is to calculate the value of barrier-free maintenance of railway station facilities for elderly and handicapped persons, as a direct use value and an option value. First, the questionnaire survey was executed to examine the willingness to pay (WTP) for barrier-free maintenance of railway station facilities. Next, we assumed the demand function of exponential type, and then the average of WTP is calculated. As a result, in the case of the barrier-free maintenance for elderly persons, a direct use value of elevator and escalator became highest value. In the case of the barrier-free maintenance for handicapped persons, an option value of elevator became highest value.


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