A Useful Case Report of Double Stents which was Expanded in the Esophageal and Tracheal Stenosis Caused by Lung Cancer at Autopsy.
- SOGABE Masahiro
- Department of Intereal Medicine,Kochi Municipal
- NAKASONO Masahiko
- Second department of Internal Medicine, School of medicine, The University of Tokushima
- HUKUNO Hiroshi
- Second department of Internal Medicine, School of medicine, The University of Tokushima
- Department of Intereal Medicine,Kochi Municipal
- OKITA Yoshio
- Department of Intereal Medicine,Kochi Municipal
- HAYASHI Hiroshige
- Department of Intereal Medicine,Kochi Municipal
- TANIKI Toshikatsu
- Department of Surgery,Kochi Municipal Hopaital
- Second department of Internal Medicine, School of medicine, The University of Tokushima
- OKAHISA Toshiya
- Second department of Internal Medicine, School of medicine, The University of Tokushima
- OKAMURA Seisuke
- Second department of Internal Medicine, School of medicine, The University of Tokushima
- HONDA Hirohito
- Second department of Internal Medicine, School of medicine, The University of Tokushima
- ITO Susum
- Second department of Internal Medicine, School of medicine, The University of Tokushima
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 食道・気管狭窄に対してDouble stentsがQOLの維持に有用であった肺癌の1剖検例
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The use of metallic stems in gastreintestinal malignant strictures has been frequentlyreported. But the report of double stems in the esophageal and tracheal stenosis is very rareand the report of autopsy for double stents is none. we experienced the case with double stemsin the esophageal and tracheal stenosis caused by lung cancer. A 65-year-old man who wastreated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for the lung cancer at 64-year-old had dysphasiais difficult for eating, because of the esophageal stenosis due to swelling lymphonode of the lungcancer. Another tracheal stem was placed after one month of placement of an esophageal stmt, because of tracheal stenosis due to swelling lymphonode of the lung cancer anLd compression ofesophageal stmt. After placement of double stems, the patient could have meals easily withoutdyspnea. It is suggested that placement of double scents in the esophageal and tracheal stenosiscaused by cancer would be safe and effective.
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679191539840
- NII Article ID
- 130004254614
- 10012747778
- NII Book ID
- AN00192102
- 18845738
- 03871207
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
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