有害金属の生体内挙動に関する研究 (第4報)


  • Studies on the Fate of Poisonous Metals in Experimental Animal (IV)
  • ユウガイ キンゾク ノ セイタイナイ キョドウ ニカンスルケンキュウ 4 アエ
  • Body Retention and Excretion of Zinc
  • 亜鉛の体内残留, 排せつについて



Solution of 65ZnCl2 (about 5×105cpm/mg/ml/animal) was administered orally to a group of 5 rats, and survey of body retention and excretion of radioactive zinc was carried out by successive daily whole body counting and measurement of radioactivity in excreta up to 47th day after dosing.<br>The whole body count fell to about 9% of initial whole body count in 4 days after dosing, but thereafter it declined very gradually and exponentially. Biological half life of the remaining radioactive zinc in the period from 6th to 47th day after dosing was calculated statistically and the value obtained was 30.4 days.<br>A large portion of given zinc was not absorbed to blood, namely, about 80% of dose was excreted to feces in a day after dosing, and later very little amount of radioactive zinc was excreted to feces and urine every day. At 47th day after dosing, about 3% of dose was still remaining in the body, and about 90% of remaining radioactivity was found in carcass other than main internal organs and blood.


  • 食品衛生学雑誌

    食品衛生学雑誌 16 (5), 330-333_1, 1975

    公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会


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