Questionnaire Survey of Injuries and Incidents during Bush Cutter Operations

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  • 刈払機使用におけるケガ・ヒヤリハット体験事例調査


We conducted a questionnaire survey to the members of the “Agricultural Cooperative Kurikko” in Miyagi prefecture to collect reports of in-jury and incident experiences. Analyzed survey results will contribute to awareness activities designed to prevent injury during bush cutter operations.<BR> For injury prevention, operators should start working after confirming that they are dressed properly with protective clothing such as gloves and safety shoes. To raise their level of consciousness and work with a feeling of attentive caution, breaks should be taken some 30 min after starting work. The break duration should be set by their proactive consideration.<BR> When using back-pack type bush cutters, the function limiting the shaft rod return when kickback occurs, must be reviewed. Furthermore, the shape of the handgrip controlling the tool movement should be improved further. With shoulder-type units, we must investigate the effects of adjusting the belt length and loading attachments for stabilizing the cutting blade to prevent generation of shattered materials. For bush cutters of both types, operators appreciate the adjustability of the shape and the mounting position of the handgrip, which might alleviate fatigue, thereby reducing injury.<BR> Information sharing is necessary for reducing injury. Any organization making frequent contact with many users must assume a social mission of providing users with available attachments and options, and assume the mission of transferring users’ opinions to manu-facturers. Such organizations must raise aware-ness of health and safety of operators by explaining in such publications tentatively entitled as “Booklet for Prevention of Accidents.”



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